5 Ways To Stop Being a White Jackass

4 min readFeb 22, 2021

I get it. Being a contemporary racist means to be a jackass. Not a general jerk, the global dick spews their jackassery to everyone they know. They’re a cos-playing Bill Burr, but just not funny. The difference is that the jackass targets their dickheaded ways toward people they don’t like. People who look differently. People who don’t have money. People who fuck differently. People who worship differently. People who are not their jackassed, social clones.

I get it. It’s a problem, but for whatever reason there is, you wanna stop being a Jackass. Star with number one and grow, step-by-step, through the entire list.

  1. Mind Your Own Business. This is for the jackass who just wants to stop being a public jackass. This option allows you to be a jackass in the privacy of your own home. Here is the basic method, stop paying attention to all the people everywhere who do not do what you think they should. Propriety is a fucker that loves to keep bending everyone over. Stop being concerned. Keep your opinions to yourself. Yeah, I’m talking to you, Karen and Darren. Yes, we look the same, and we prolly fuck the same, and we need to stop going around the grocery stores telling people how to raise their kids. We need to stop being nosy busybodies. Mind your own business.
  2. Focus On Your Self. This is mostly for my fellow Christian jackasses. God was talking to you. Don’t worry if God was talking to anyone else because God was talking to you. If God said something about who you should or shouldn’t have sex with, God was talking to you. If God was talking about being a good father or mother, God was talking to you. Don’t worry about God talking to all those other people. God was talking to you. If those other folks got their own God or got no God, don’t worry about it. Mind your own business.
  3. Stop Coasting. Joe Biden, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton are a bunch of mediocre clowns, and we know it. These guys got ahead not because they were brilliant. They weren’t. The problem with trusting jackasses like these four is that we stop working hard on the issues facing the nation. Do you want to end poverty? Do you want to explore Mars? Do you want to end racism? Do you wanna watch football with no political interruptions? Do you want to reduce the number of men shooting themselves with their second-amendment protected firearms? Okay, sounds good. Then stop being a do-nothing, know-nothing, lazy, mediocre jackass and get off your ass and get to work. Don’t trust your political leaders, they are a bunch of mediocre morons. You fuck local so you should work local. Make your hometown and home community a better place. Stop coasting, you have something to contribute so long as you remember points one and two above.
  4. Get Out of People’s Way. The quick solution to the plague of jackassery is to eliminate policies and regulations that interfere with education, home-ownership, innovation, and small business entrepreneurialism. Do you think environmental or safety policy is even putting a dent in the White-Industrial-Complex (WIC = Apple, Facebook, Walmart, GM, and others)? Not even close. Policies are the heart of systemic racism and misogyny. These multinationals have a cadre of lawyers, lobbyists, and pocket policy-makers that protect them from prosecution and regulatory penalties. The problem is that mom and pop don’t have the same protections. Red-zone home-owners have no protections. Many of those well-intentioned policies are, in fact, written in such a way as to squelch class movement, wealth creation, and competitive challenges from the poor and from people who look different than WIC’s owners and managers. Yes, renter-class WICs are interested in suppressing and oppressing the wallets that are only supposed to put out and expect little. Get out of the way and stop writing policies that block those who look different and fuck different and pray different. If you must write policy and regulation, do so in ways that won’t destroy equitable opportunities and equitable outcomes.
  5. See Color. Love color. Be color. You, like me, are white in a white world with a distinctive white culture, and there is nothing wrong with being white until you are a jackass. Embrace being white, but recognize that being a contemporary, white-American means your cultural ancestors are not all white, straight, cis, or Christian. American culture hasn’t been marshmallow white in well over a hundred, maybe two hundred years if it ever was. It never was. Culturally, the United States has never really been the creamy-white European expansion zone we were taught in school. Being a jackass means being in denial that culturally you are also Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, Gay, Female, Non-Binary, Trans, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Wiccan, Agnostic, Athiest, and Mystical. Those of us, only one or two generations out of the trailer-park or heirs of the WIC, are part and parcel with every person in the United States. Embrace being White? Yes, and embrace your neighbor’s blackness. Love your neighbor being gay. Honor and learn about this nation's culture and pull away from the delusional, myopic, jackassed world-view of mayonnaise-white America.

Stop being a jackass? Yeah, it’s hard. I suck at this, too. But I am doing everything I can to make my way. I know I am a jackass, but maybe one day, I won’t have to be dead to stop being a jackass. You?




My name’s Aaron and I’m just another nondescript, fat guy.